I Love Your Mommy

I vowed to never love again. I get it a bit melodramatic right? But understand this. I was in the middle of a turning point in my life. The point where we no longer are; we have become. 

I’ve always been a bit of a romantic. And when my marriage failed I didn’t have a plan B (no pun intended). The one thing that was certain was that the woman I was with had no interest in ever having children. I had tricked myself into thinking I was okay with that which deep down I was not. 

You see I come from a big family. A big Italian family. I have cousins I’ve never met and others I haven’t seen in years. Without my divorce I wouldn’t have met Violets mother. I wouldn’t have Violet. Or this blog now that I think about it. So in actuality 3 good things come from one bad situation. 

Do not ask yourself why and be a victim, ask yourself when and be the victor. 

I’m a difficult person to understand. I haven’t even figured out how to interpret everything I feel myself. It gets a bit easier with each passing day. Everytime I blog or podcast I discover a little more. I Discovery more about myself and those around me. 

I probably don’t say it enough, but I love Violets Mommy. I probably don’t express it enough, but I love Violets Mommy. I probably don’t deserve her, but I love Violets Mommy. Communication is difficult. Especially for the reason that technology has just about taken out the human element from most things. If you are able to communicate love above anything else, if only for a moment, I’d say you’re doing alright. 

At the Fair

Violet, you are growing up so fast. Raising you is simultaneously the most difficult, and most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. One thing is certain I wouldn’t be able to Raise Violet the way she needs without Violets Mommy. 

 Check out my projects and new book at my website MeMyselfAndIRadio.com