I Love Your Mommy

I vowed to never love again. I get it a bit melodramatic right? But understand this. I was in the middle of a turning point in my life. The point where we no longer are; we have become. 

I’ve always been a bit of a romantic. And when my marriage failed I didn’t have a plan B (no pun intended). The one thing that was certain was that the woman I was with had no interest in ever having children. I had tricked myself into thinking I was okay with that which deep down I was not. 

You see I come from a big family. A big Italian family. I have cousins I’ve never met and others I haven’t seen in years. Without my divorce I wouldn’t have met Violets mother. I wouldn’t have Violet. Or this blog now that I think about it. So in actuality 3 good things come from one bad situation. 

Do not ask yourself why and be a victim, ask yourself when and be the victor. 

I’m a difficult person to understand. I haven’t even figured out how to interpret everything I feel myself. It gets a bit easier with each passing day. Everytime I blog or podcast I discover a little more. I Discovery more about myself and those around me. 

I probably don’t say it enough, but I love Violets Mommy. I probably don’t express it enough, but I love Violets Mommy. I probably don’t deserve her, but I love Violets Mommy. Communication is difficult. Especially for the reason that technology has just about taken out the human element from most things. If you are able to communicate love above anything else, if only for a moment, I’d say you’re doing alright. 

At the Fair

Violet, you are growing up so fast. Raising you is simultaneously the most difficult, and most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. One thing is certain I wouldn’t be able to Raise Violet the way she needs without Violets Mommy. 

 Check out my projects and new book at my website MeMyselfAndIRadio.com

How to Read a Toddlers Mind

Raising Violet – The Daddy Diaries

By: Anthony Hayes

It’s been a little over one year since Violet was born and I’ve cherished every waking moment. I once asked myself how am I going to know what she wants or needs if she can’t communicate? 

The answer; I just did. The sounds and cries she displays all are a bit different. One having its own unique tone, setting it apart from the rest. 

It’s like reading a mind, you just feel their energy. And maybe more importantly they feel yours. 

In fact, children are extremely susceptible to the energies we emit. 

Due to their inability of verbal communication, it is the nonverbal communication we use that they rely on. 

This is why it is imperative to cleanse yourself of any negitivity or anger each and everytime you interact with your new little ‘Violet.’ 

Tips for a clean mental slate:

  • Clear the air– Talk with your spouse about how your feeling, the things you need and how you can help each other (ie. putting up a weekly schedule on the wall to stay organized and better manage your time). 
  • Take 10– Dedicate 10 minutes a day to doing something productive for yourself.    A light excercise such as yoga or stetching can do the trick. Or something like a simple meditation exercise I go into depth about here.
  • Don’t let the outside influence the inside– Bad day at work? Did someone cut you off on the ride home? Don’t bring it home with you. All it takes is 10 seconds to alleviate that tension. This breathing excercise I wrote for my other blog will walk you through it.



As you can see reading a toddlers mind is not completely impossible. Each individual and each situation is unique. 

Just do your best to surround them with love and positivity as often and as much as possible. They will in turn feed off of your vibes and return this insatiable love ten fold.

“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

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How your love for your child will grow exponentially

How your love for your child will grow exponentially

Raising Violet - The Daddy Diaries
Raising Violet – The Daddy Diaries
by: Anthony Hayes

Have you been told repeatedly your child will grow up quick? It feels like just yesterday we were bringing Violet home from the hospital. Realistically it’s been 365 days and quick doesn’t do it justice. With each passing day my love for my daughter grows immensely. If you told me 5 years ago I’d be celebrating her 1st birthday this week, I would have laughed. But I am and it makes me want to cry.

Until now, I didn’t think I was equipped for fatherhood. I doubted myself constantly. This first year was tough and was over in the blink of an eye. What I realized in that time was that I subconsciously was taught to care for my child without even knowing it. When I was a child. Let me explain.

Growing up

Our parents instilled knowledge deep within us as we grew and matured into young adults. All this time just waiting to be released. That time is now. As the seed was  planted in you, soon it will blossom as your little one too grows up.


If you have any uncertainty as to whether you possess the character needed to be a new parent, look no further. One year from now, when you are planning your little “Violet’s” birthday party you will assured. The values you may have lost along the way will surface and you will pass them on.


There is never enough. Do your best not to get caught up on the day to day. Control the controllable. As for the rest, Keep on Flowing, Just Be…


For more information on “Raising Violet – The Daddy Diaries” please visit www.memyselfandiradio.com

“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

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