From Zero To Terrible Twos

I had originally set out to use this blog as a resource for new parents, specifically fathers. But what I have come to realize the past two years is that I am no parenting expert.

I have no advice to give just a journey to document nothing more. A sounding board for the emotional conquests that every father goes through but seldom talk about. So it goes…

You never really value the concept of time until you have a child. Their growth and intelligence multiplies on the daily, never stopping to catch a breath. If you are not present you will miss out on some of the most important times of your life.

Just the other day a piece of my heart chipped off. I had worked an overnight and slept all day as a result. In that time, Violet got dropped off at the sitters house. I woke up and got ready for work that afternoon. I didn’t see Violet that day.

I told myself that would never happen again. I argued, an inner dialogue only I could hear. I called just so I could talk to her. I also had a video of her eating dinner sent to me. 

Being present with your child can be both physical and emotional. Whatever you are doing with your child today disregard the distractions. 

You are all that matters to them. Life is moving too fast. Slow it down, if only for a moment or two, then reflect on it. 

Today we read “Cat in a Hat” by Dr. Sues. Today was a great day. 

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“Control the controllable. As for the rest Keep on Flowing, Just be…”

The Day My Baby Became a Toddler 

By: Anthony Hayes

It was Saturday July 25, 2015. We just returned home from our first family vacation a day prior. This was the day I realized my baby girl was now a toddler, and no longer a baby. 

Violet’s development has always been on track. Of course the proud parent in me would say she is ahead. We take every opportunity we can to teach, sing, play piano, and read to her.

Prior to this, while Violet played or was getting into something it was like a never ending journey of nothingness. Now, she is so focused and engaged with what she is doing. When she is building with blocks she analyzes each piece.

It’s the look she had. I could just see it in her eyes. I believe it may have had something to do with our family vacation that caused this. The change of scenery, culture, the company, all equal contributors to this affirmation. 

She’s a little human

It was then I realized I need to step my game up. Looking for more opportunities to teach her new things. Everything we engage with I say it aloud. 

  • Book
  • Shoe
  • Brush
  • Duck

You get the idea. I also make a more conscious effort to read to her everyday. This week was Dr. Seuss.

Music is another great thing to incorporate in your daily routine. Violet loves music and dancing. I’ve made up songs for certain activities such as bath time. It was my way of getting her to understand it was time to wash up and get ready for bed. 

It has been an amazing transformation. Now all I have to say is let’s take a bath and she scurries off and sings the song to me! 


Final Thoughts

Cherish every laugh, every cry, every waking moment. 

New resources 

  1. Digital Dads Podcast
  2. Get Your Kids Ready For Life 
  3. The Good Dad Project

“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

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