A Fathers Gratitude

By: Anthony Hayes | @ahayes_mmi

Little shoes and oversized building blocks litted the floor…at this point I’m grateful they weren’t the tiny Lego blocks we played with as kids. I walk through the living room checking the locks one last time before bed. 

Luna, my Siberian Husky lies asleep on the cool tile floor. I got Luna 5 years ago, a rescue; she is almost 11 years old now. Despite their circumstances, Violet and Luna get along famously. Violet always kisses Luna goodnight, and wishes her a good morning the next day. Luna, reluctant most of the time, loves the attention–despite the fact that children can be unpredictable at times…
It’s moments like this, all the stress and responsibility of being a father seems insignificant. I have a hard enough time managing my own emotions for which you can read about here, let alone those of others. Despite all of this, I find one moment each day to be grateful I am a father.

Violet is two and some change now. Everyday is a new adventure with her, as it is  with myself. You see, over a decade ago I was diagnosed with major clinical depression and ADHD. I’ve also struggled with insomnia, anxiety, and bouts of paranoia in years past. But despite all of these circumstances and obstacles I am grateful everyday to be her dad.

Giving her life pushes me everyday to be a better father, and more importantly a being human being.

I belong to an elite online community of other fathers comprised of authors, podcasters, professional fighters, entrepreneurs, coaches, the list goes on…each and every member bringing more value than the next. 


Surrounding myself with greatness has helped me become more resilient to the adversity we face as fathers. Having to constantly be the “protectors,” the “providers,” or whatever label society thrusts upon us we too contain emotions. Regardless of all this pressure, one constant remains among us all–GRATITUDE.  

I dedicate this post first and foremost to my father. A man who up until a few years ago, was there for me when I needed him the most. To Larry Hagner from the Good Dad Project Podcast and author of The Dad’s Edge, my graditude is all I have to give. To my friend Brian R. King. You are an inspiration more than words can express; I give you my graditude today. To Walter Eggers, Jason Mackenzie, Tanel Jäppinen, Jay Forte, Andrew Dresden, Charlie “The Spaniard” Brenneman and so many others (too many to name) thank you for all that you do in the DadSpace/Dadosphere, today I give you my undying gatitude.  

Today I am grateful to be a father no matter what difficulties it may hold. 

This blog post brought to you by fellow “Good Dad” and “Rad Dad” Anthony Hayes.

For more information on all my projects please visit memyselfandiradio.com

Published by

Anthony Hayes

Author of The Science of Being, Podcast Host of Me Myself and I Radio, Blogger, Dad, Ninja

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